Advantages to Learning Spanish?

 There have been multiple studies done that have proved the benefits of learning another language. Those effects are becoming obvious, as all but 2 countries (Ireland and Scotland) now mandate the study of another language.

Increased cognitive development

Research shows that studying another language increases the brain’s capacity to perform higher level thinking and problem solving. This could be attributed to the fact that learning another language requires one to guess the meaning of words through surrounding context. Through continued study, they begin to discover and understand language patterns. This ability to identify patterns within a language is transferable to other subject matters such as math and English. Bilingual students repeatedly outperform monolingual students on standardized tests, especially in the English and math categories. As our brains learn to detect patterns in one area of study, they are able to apply such cognitive thinking skills to other subject areas.

Teaches valuable life lessons

When learning another language, there is a large amount of uncertainty. There are always exceptions to the rule, irregular verbs, unexpected spell changes, etc.  As a student learns to find comfort within ambiguity, they also are able to transfer those skills to everyday life. Nothing in life is certain. If we can learn skills to cope with that reality, we’ll all be in a better place.

Learning another language helps switch one’s view to see “failure” as an opportunity to learn. While learning a new language, there will be repeated mistakes. It is only through these errors that one learns and grows in their language development. The more chances one takes, their probability of failure increases, but so too do their opportunities to learn. In life, we will always “fail” at one time or another, but if we can view such failures as learning opportunities, we will become more enriched, well-rounded people.

Another language opens doors to new cultures and ways of thinking. Studies have shown, that bilingual students tend to be more accepting of differences. Knowledge of another language, allows one to immerse them self within a culture on a personal level. This immersion leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation for people and their traditions. The end effect, is an open- minded, curious, and respectful learner.

Increased job opportunities

Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the United States. By 2020, it’s projected that almost 15% or our population will be composed of Spanish speakers.
In our global economy, knowledge of another language dramatically increases your viability as a job candidate. Employers want people who are not only highly skilled, but diverse. Knowledge of another language brings that diversification.

Turns back the hands of time

According to Sweden’s Karolinska Institute medical university, about 24 million people have dementia worldwide, with the majority of them suffering from Alzheimer’s. Studies have shown, however, that bilingual patients continuously outperform monolingual patients on memory retention. The mental workout required to compartmentalize the two languages, keeps bilingual brains healthier and stronger.

Enriched travel experiences

In order to find a culturally rewarding experience, one must look beyond the beaten path. Knowledge of another language opens doors that are closed to monolingual people. It allows you to talk with the locals, to immerse yourself in their world, to discover secret getaways, the best food hang outs. It takes your vacation from touristy and generic to memorable and unique.


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